Monday, June 4, 2012

Chapstick & Firearms...

They always say you can tell a woman by the contents of her purse. I always carry a larger size purse. For I am one of those people who believe if I don't bring it, I'll need it. I'm a bag lady for this reason too. I hate it. But I can't deny it. SO, what is in my purse. Hmmm.

Front pocket... Chapstick(cherry Nivia), lip gloss(colored), nail file, glock 23 & loose change.

Main pouch... Wallet, calendar, day planner, 2 pads of paper, scentsy catalogs, velata catalogs, order forms, show polish(huh?), tacky glue(uhhhh...?!), keys, bobby pins, mascara(2 tubes), lots of pens(12 to be precise), coupons, binder clips, paper clips(which came to an amazing rescue for my broken sunglasses!), digital camera, phone charger, ziplock bag(yeah, I don't know), 2 highlighters, pack of altoids, pack of trident layers, a pencil, 2 small tubes of tooth paste, a name tag, a bottle of Tylenol pm, tampons, a sewing needle, oragel, a lighter, 4 bar keys(church keys... Whatev) & more loose change.

Lord, that's insane. I admit, for a women with no children that's probably asinine. So of it to me is just plain outrageous.

Explanation to me...?! A night time bartender/Scentsy/Velata consultant. Add in a little food & beverage director with an in ability to sit still & a love for arts & crafts. Let's not forget a need to protect myself. Yup. That sounds like me. (0;

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