Thought?! NOPE. Try Cyber-Nation. I have been lost in the amazing world of Scentsy & Pinterest. Wow. What a site. I've made a few things. Bought the stuff to make way more than I can handle. All with good intentions. If only crafts paid the bills. My mom came into town, twice. This is the first time in the nearly ten years I have lived in the south that her job has brought her to me! I LOVE IT. I recently went to Jupiter, FL for spring training baseball!! I loved it. I love baseball! Great past time.
Other than staying busy with work & Scentsy, not too much else has happened. My cousin Amber, of the blog Glitter & Dirt, & I may be doing a switch party!! If you know or follow the tales of Amber & her son CJ than you know she sells Mark make up. If you don't, now you do. (0: In addition, if you don't follow her... Do! Not to mention we do giveaways of our products!! What's better than free?! Back to the point... Be on the look out for a switch party. Am selling Scentsy, Me selling Mark.
Last I checked in I was throwing a donation drive. It's with a slightly heavy heart that I write to say... We didn't even come close. However, this is not the end!! If we have to do this donation drive for years than so be it. SO, that being said. Be on the lookout for a new flyer. If you can't help out financially, we completely understand. All I ask is if you see a post about it via blog, Facebook, twitter or any other form... Pass it on. It's for a good cause!
I feel as though this is all I have to rant about for tonight. I think my next blog shall be about something I have crafted since I went into cybernation. Heres to a great Friday for all!! And a safe & enjoyable St Patricks Day!